
Reading Time: 45''

Cancer Season by Cecilia Stucchi


How to handle emotional connections and comfort zone.


From June 20th to July 22nd the Sun will transit the sign of Cancer, highlighting what comfort and emotional charge mean to us. If you were born during the Cancer season, this energy will be more than familiar to you, but in fact the position in which the Sun is found always affects all of us, some more and some less. The Cancer archetype reminds us what it means to feel comfortable and safe, to always have something, or someone, that is a place of comfort for us and to seek connection through shared experience. Sometimes comfort can be a memory, a place or an object with which we have an emotional connection and many times it is precisely the search for comfort that determines how we move in our life. This month you may ask yourself where’s the line between the kind of comfort that brings you security and warmth, and the kind that locks you into familiar but stagnant territories, with no fertile ground left to allow you to blossom. Remember that just because something is extremely familiar, doesn't mean you have to keep it with you forever. You have the freedom to create a breakthrough at any time.