
Reading Time: 45''

Leo Season by Cecilia Stucchi


Put your happiness at the center and bring light where the shadow is.

After a month in Cancer, the Sun will pass through the sign of Leo from July 22nd to August 22nd,
the sign of high summer. It is no coincidence that holidays traditionally take place in this period: the sign of Leo is a symbol of fun, freedom and royalty. Each astrological planet is considered the
ruler of a sign, and for the Sun that sign, where it feels at home is Leo. Precisely for this
reason we can associate Leo with qualities such as being the center of attention, brightness,
bringing light where there is shadow, but also reminding us of the carefree nature of our inner
child. During this period, put your happiness at the center, find what makes you literally shine and
be the protagonist of your life in all respects. Only you can choose which direction to take and only
you can decide to highlight those parts of you that deserve to be seen by everyone. This clearly
applies to all of us: don't keep your talents hidden, but rather be yourself without any shame.
When we were kids, we didn't care what other people thought, and this is the perfect time to
remind ourselves of that.